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followings r strictestly for your American eyes only !,) if u r not Am., pls dont look further !,) ::
to easiestly save t' America's economy , indorse buying//hiring prodservs made_in_USA , please !
e.g.:: via yourname@madeinUSAplease.com ! ... back _BACK_ our homeland ! thankye !
(,! your email's//webs-address = non_T T[shirt]] fashion !,)
p.s - this very site is a part o' FuckingAustria's HelpUsHelpYou networks
p.s - ``made_in_USA"" include USA's human_talents - e.g.- USA developpers , USA execs !,)
p.s - ``made_in_USA"" include services made by talents born in USA - e.g.- management , repair , etc
p.s -}esp::Americans{ indorse or buy Americars ! please ! thank ye
p.s -}esp::Americans{ indorse or buy prodservs made_in_USA !!! please !!!
_reason : products//services made_in_USA , ^are best !
_reason : indorsing or buying prodservs made_in_USA = [best_way] helping USA//US//us//u's = helping u
_reason : (, help us/US help you ! help us/US = help you !,)
_reason : should u real/really love USA , ... then u indorse or buy prodservs made_in_USA amap !
_reason : show that u love USA ... by indorsing or buying prodservs made_in_USA ! indorse them @ least !!
_reason : Americans indorse / buy prodservs made_in_USA , ... it's pretty responsibility !,)
_reason : Americans indorse / buy prodservs made_in_USA , ... it's pretty reasonnably !,)
_reason : Americans indorse / buy prodservs made_in_USA , ... it's pretty reasonnable , & fair as fairy !,)
_reason : n'o[nO] need o' any reason !,) dont ask ! just buy ! like crazy !,)) n'o matter what !,)))
_reason : suggestion - @ least , please give them a hire / try ! thank ye
_reason : USA = US the A !,)
_reason : a side-benefit : up-front showing that u r allways patriot , helps u a lot !
_reason : - so , show that u indorse USA w/ yourname@madeinUSAplease.com !!
sorry 4 inconveniency , thank thee
let's share madeinUSAplease.com , to make folks to indorse prodservs made_in_USA a.m.a.p. ! thanks again
how our ``non_T*T"" helps u win ♥♥'s + jobs + $ucce$$e$ etc /_UNIQUENESSES_/ 4 charity / / /
followings r strictestly for your American eyes only !,) if u r not Am., pls dont look further !,) ::
to easiestly save t' America's economy , indorse buying//hiring prodservs made_in_USA , please !
e.g.:: via yourname@madeinUSAplease.com ! ... back _BACK_ our homeland ! thankye !
(,! your email's//webs-address = non_T T[shirt]] fashion !,)
p.s - this very site is a part o' FuckingAustria's HelpUsHelpYou networks
p.s - ``made_in_USA"" include USA's human_talents - e.g.- USA developpers , USA execs !,)
p.s - ``made_in_USA"" include services made by talents born in USA - e.g.- management , repair , etc
p.s -}esp::Americans{ indorse or buy Americars ! please ! thank ye
p.s -}esp::Americans{ indorse or buy prodservs made_in_USA !!! please !!!
_reason : products//services made_in_USA , ^are best !
_reason : indorsing or buying prodservs made_in_USA = [best_way] helping USA//US//us//u's = helping u
_reason : (, help us/US help you ! help us/US = help you !,)
_reason : should u real/really love USA , ... then u indorse or buy prodservs made_in_USA amap !
_reason : show that u love USA ... by indorsing or buying prodservs made_in_USA ! indorse them @ least !!
_reason : Americans indorse / buy prodservs made_in_USA , ... it's pretty responsibility !,)
_reason : Americans indorse / buy prodservs made_in_USA , ... it's pretty reasonnably !,)
_reason : Americans indorse / buy prodservs made_in_USA , ... it's pretty reasonnable , & fair as fairy !,)
_reason : n'o[nO] need o' any reason !,) dont ask ! just buy ! like crazy !,)) n'o matter what !,)))
_reason : suggestion - @ least , please give them a hire / try ! thank ye
_reason : USA = US the A !,)
_reason : a side-benefit : up-front showing that u r allways patriot , helps u a lot !
_reason : - so , show that u indorse USA w/ yourname@madeinUSAplease.com !!
sorry 4 inconveniency , thank thee
let's share madeinUSAplease.com , to make folks to indorse prodservs made_in_USA a.m.a.p. ! thanks again